How is digital marketing going to the rule world in 2022

 The trending thing online is “Digital Marketing”, with “Social Media Marketing” (SMM) topping the trends. With everything going digital and online, the advertising industry has also turned to digital media. Social media sites, search engines, informational blogs, news websites, online magazine sites, educational sites, or anything else online, there are ads everywhere!

Gadgets are everywhere and we are surrounded by online connected machines all the time. We even talk about something while keeping our phones around, and in the next few moments, we see an ad for the same product on our social media applications (yes it's true...! )

Earlier advertisers presented their product information through newspapers, radio and television. But subscribers were limited for all three mediums. Later, it evolved into magazines, several television channels, and tens of radio channels. But during the last 5 to 10 years, digital media proved itself to be a game changer. Most people carry a smartphone and that's all they need to see the ads they're interested in. Either you are searching for anything on internet browser on your smart phone or you are talking about a product or services, when your phone is in your pocket, you are going to observe the offers of relevant advertisers. 

From Madison Avenue agencies to the current shift to digital marketing, the purpose of advertising hasn't changed much over the years: build brand awareness, generate leads, increase revenue, and grow the bottom line of the business.

However, it is true that the emergence of the Internet age has brought new challenges to the industry.

When we saw Mark Zuckerberg called before Congress to answer questions about Facebook's user data, it was clear that privacy is now an issue for advertising.

Facebook ads offer incredibly precise targeting capabilities by processing user data. That's great for us marketers and business owners, isn't it? We can show our ads to people who are most likely to be interested.

But have you ever been targeted by a t-shirt company that knows everything about you? It can be scary.

And at what point does it go from horrible to downright immoral? Privacy and advertising have also been part of the debate since the last political election. Facebook has been accused of data hijacking and has recently taken steps to control political ads on its platform.

Another problem that the advertising world is facing is digital marketing agencies run by so-called "marketers" who have no experience.

They have created a culture of amateurism that can harm the entire industry. They charge for unprofessional work that has no results and is a complete waste of their client's money.

They have created a culture of amateurism that can harm the entire industry. They charge for unprofessional work that has no results and is a complete waste of their client's money.

Businesses must now be more careful than ever when deciding who to partner with. They should ask for samples of their work, case studies, and carefully review them. Having great content on their blog is a sign that they are a reliable agency to work with.

And last but not least, false advertising is a growing problem due to digital marketing. We all know that marketing is a powerful skill, but it should only be used for good.

Advertisers must accept that they are personally responsible for what they are promoting. As a rule of thumb, one should only promote a product or service that they believe in and believe to be ethical. Facebook and other social media platforms have also developed tools that allow the market to reject companies that engage in scams and fraud.

This is not to say that advertising is an unethical industry. The majority of marketers do a great job. They are truly the bedrock of our economy as the livelihood of all businesses depends on it.

In such a crowded internet space, "build it and they will come" doesn't work. Companies of all sizes need a marketing plan that outlines the strategy they will follow to promote the products and services they sell.

Marketing then becomes the glue that connects supply (sellers) to demand (buyers). How do you reach more people? How do you tell an effective story that reflects the brand's personality? How do you create wants and needs? How do you get people interested? These and more are questions that advertisers try to answer.