Digital Marketing Expectations vs Reality

What is Digital Marketing?

 Digital marketing is technology based brand promotion. A digital marketing agency differs from a traditional marketing agency where it usually focuses on results-based marketing in the digital world. It can be defined as online promotion of brands that use electronic devices to deliver promotional messages. Some examples include marketing through online video, social media posts, display ads, etc.

Let's understand what is expected and what is the reality of this marketing strategy:

The popularity of social media platforms has created faster and more customized ways to increase brand awareness, generate leads and increase profits.

However, marketers know that despite its many advantages, it has many disadvantages that cannot be ignored and can lead to serious consequences for their business if ignored.

When a campaign is launched, it is usually expected that the theoretical plan one has put forward will be reflected in the actual situation. On paper, digital marketing ideas and strategies are always attractive, and these ideas are always expected to be fruitful in terms of achieving desired results easily. What is learned in marketing theories is usually not seen in real sit

Limited traffic would be brought by social media:

The world of digital marketing has undergone tremendous changes since the advent of social media and one of the major expectations when doing digital marketing in the age of social media is that unlimited traffic is in sight. Social media has the potential to drive traffic, but only with effective management.

The target market will respond to any digital marketing strategy:

Marketers always expect that their target market will respond to any digital marketing strategy they adopt while doing digital marketing. All creativity and innovation have their own impact and this means that as long as the impact is expected, it cannot conquer the target market.

Focused on high-level content:

Inspirational and relevant content will always make the difference and any other content will fail. However, content is expected to be anything and everything one posts, will resonate with one's target audience as long as one has a creative angle.

Digital marketing colleagues will be kinder:

In the field of digital marketing, every strategy developed is a fair game and it is up to the individual to find the combination that works for him and the target market he is trying to attract. Is. There is a widespread expectation that digital marketers are friendly and this is a concept that needs to be approached carefully as not everyone will follow this path.

Digital marketing doesn't convert into more revenue:

As much as digital marketing can increase traffic to one's website or e-commerce sites, it does not directly translate into more revenue. The reality of digital marketing is that it brings one closer to one's target audience, and it is a completely different process and effort to persuade a buyer to make a purchase in order to increase one's income.

Digital marketing won't work alone

Many marketers have the misconception that digital marketing is good to do it yourself. Digital marketing should be integrated with other traditional marketing strategies and channels. Digital marketing aims at a niche of target audience but it should also be combined with other strategies to achieve the ultimate goal.

The single and finite approach is ineffective

One's target audience uses different platforms for different purposes, and having the same message on all platforms means it won't be effective. Each digital platform requires a unique message that matches the expectations of the target audience. Be it social media, websites, emails, blogs. Messages should be customized so that the target audience finds value in what they see and interact with.

Digital marketing is an evolving field and should be approached with a calm mind with realistic expectations. When expectations are simplified and adjusted accordingly, it is easier to adjust to reality.